Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Library Clubs

I've spent the last two days at the library with my favorite librarian, Ms. Natalie.  I went to Ick Club, Book Club, and Jewelry Club.

These are the gorgeous earrings I made in Jewelry Club.  Next month we are going to learn how to weave beads into a bracelet.  I love making me some sparkle.  My Momma says I need to make her some.

This is the delicious spider I made in Ick Club.  It looks like he has a mustache.  I also made an Oreo ladybug.  Not so icky . . . more like delicious!

This is the book I read for Book Club.  I was the only one who showed up!  So Ms. Natalie and I just sat, ate cookies, drank apple juice, and chatted about the book.  I kept putting more cookie in my mouth so I didn't have to talk!

I think this book was OK - it won the Newbery Medal - but I prefer the Dear Dumb Diary books I'm reading right now.  FUNNNNNNNYYYYYY!

Let me know if you'd like me to make you some earrings.  They are $5 a pair.

Signing Off,
Evalynn and Mom


  1. Don't make any earrings for me. Grandma doesn't like me to wear earrings. They look very pretty though. Maybe you could make a pair for grandma. I can pay you when I see you next and you can give the earrings to her then. Keep up the good reading habits. XXOO Grandpa Woolf

    1. OK! I hope my mom and I can make a stop at the jewelry store to get the supplies. I love you, Grandpa! Can't wait to see you -

  2. Cute earrings Eva! I loved that series by Susan Cooper, in fact I just introduced my kids to them. I'm glad you love to read, that is one of my favorite things to do when I have a quiet moment.

    1. My new favorite series is the Little House on the Praire series. What were some of your other favorite books when you were a girl? I love you Aunt Jen!
