Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Drama Queen - A Superhero Story

I had another writing assignment from this book by Rebecca Olien, which I highly recommend.  The book is full of fun writing prompts and story ideas.  My job this time was to create a superhero and write about her superpowers.  Here's the finished product:

Meet Swan.  She is the daughter of the Sun and Moon.  At age sixteen million, she wanted to leave the Solar System and go to Earth.

Her parents gave her powers and sadly let her go.  When on Earth, she became irresistible, almost.  She had long flowing brown hair, deep blue moon dust eyelids, sea green eyes, and cherry red lips.  She wore a sea green dress that hid her legs and gave her the ability to fly.

Now you’re probably wondering what powers the Sun and Moon gave Swan before letting her go.  They highlighted some of her natural abilities and gave her the superhero name of, Drama Queen, because she is very good at acting.  On top of drama, her other powers are invisibility, super speed, and plasma ray.

Swan turned on the news (superheros need to know what is going on in the city).   “There is a fire downtown. Four children and their mom are stuck on the 8th floor!” exclaimed the news reporter.

Swan put on her special flying dress and zoomed through the air to the burning building.  She went in through the back door so she would not have a big crowd around her.  When she got in, she felt the hot fire; she flew as fast as she could could to the 8th  floor.  All of the family was huddling  in the corner behind the mom.

First Swan did some drama, acting like a silly clown, to get them all to stop quivering and to smile.  Then she used super speed to put the fire in the room out, like when a normal person blows out a candle.   And finally she used plasma ray to blast the roof off and fly each of them down to the ground, where she became invisible so as to not spill the beans about her identity.

Her work was done for today.  The family was safe.  As she flew home, she whispered to herself, “A beautiful defeat.”  Such a dramatic line.  The End.

Signing Off,
Evalynn and Mom


  1. Evalynn - I love reading your posts. You are so smart and creative. It is high time that you move (with your family of course) to Las Vegas.

    1. Thank you, Uncle Mark. Maybe someday I'll be able to live close to you. Love, Evalynn

  2. Hello Evalynn, you have a very impressive blog! Maybe it will give me some ideas for teaching my boys as they grow up. I hope you are having fun with your grandparents. You and your brother were some of the most enjoyable airplane seat companions that I have ever had! Best to you and your family,
    Meg Morgan
    Kirkland, WA

    1. Hi Ms. Morgan! Thank you for checking out my blog and leaving a comment. I really liked sitting next to you on the airplane. I told my mom that you are the nicest lady. I had fun visiting my grandparents.
      Take care -
